In Bed for over a year……I can’t get a job because of my hair…..
Hi, I am lost and don't know what to do. It's a long story but I was in bed for over a year with severe depression and my hair is matted, tangled, knotted....I have tried everything.
I got through my depression, but my hair is bringing me back. It is so bad at this point that I cannot go outside without a hat. I am so embarrassed i sit in the house all day and i can't get a job because of my hair so my husband is paying for everything which makes me more depressed and we are struggling.
I have been literally trying to get the knots out of my hair for months. Water made it worse so now i am afraid to wash it. i ordered the takedown removed cream which helped, but not enough. their anything you can do to help me? I am already considering cancelling the beach trip with my whole family in March, when summer comes i won't be able to wear a hat everyday. My ten year reunion is this year.
Sometimes i come close to shaving it, or worse. i cry a lot i am so frustrated. Please help if you can. Advice or anything....
Thank you so much.
Is the Barber Shop My Only
I just removed a weave from my hair that I have enjoyed for five months, There was a tremendous amount of new hair growth. After removing the weave, there was some dryness and one patch of matted hair - about the size of a quarter. I saturated my hair with a product called Cactus oil Serum for dry damaged hair and left it in overnight. Thinking that it was ok, I jumped in the shower and proceeded to shampoo my hair - which wasn't a problem until I put conditioned on! What a huge mistake that was! I actually felt my hair tightening up and it became one HUGE MATTED MESS! Is there any hope or is the barber shop my only answer!?
Waiting for your reply,
I just removed a weave from my hair that I have enjoyed for five months, There was a tremendous amount of new hair growth. After removing the weave, there was some dryness and one patch of matted hair - about the size of a quarter. I saturated my hair with a product called Cactus oil Serum for dry damaged hair and left it in overnight. Thinking that it was ok, I jumped in the shower and proceeded to shampoo my hair - which wasn't a problem until I put conditioned on! What a huge mistake that was! I actually felt my hair tightening up and it became one HUGE MATTED MESS! Is there any hope or is the barber shop my only answer!?
Waiting for your reply,
Bleached Matted Mixed
hi. i have mixed hair and got it bleached 2 christmases ago. this matted my hair and made tangles i never had to deal with before. since then i have just stuck to color but the tangles and some matting are still there. what products should i get, and will it work for me even though its been so long. my problem is due to color damage, not braids or extensions. please help... my hair is coming out like crazy.
hi. i have mixed hair and got it bleached 2 christmases ago. this matted my hair and made tangles i never had to deal with before. since then i have just stuck to color but the tangles and some matting are still there. what products should i get, and will it work for me even though its been so long. my problem is due to color damage, not braids or extensions. please help... my hair is coming out like crazy.
Help Me Get My Life,
hair & tresses back……
hi miracle workers ; i am writing this in great
desperation& a hopeful heart.l have a major problem with my life&hair
back.l have huge clumps of knotts ,tangle, bird nests ,&matted mangle
jangles all wrapped into a whole disater of knotts,
confusion,&depression!can someone help me me please ?! i live in great
desperation in san -juan puert-rico. i need to know how can someone help me me
please find a technician
who can help me get my life hair& tresses back 2 normal once again
?!!...p.s. i have 2let u know how this nigtmare has been going on 4 almost 5
years. is there any hope out there 4me since its been so long ive had this
nigtmare issue?please reply a.s.a.p. thanks 4 all your good work you guys are
doing !!keep up the good work .....blessing s best wishes g.v.
Matted 6 Months old sew
in weave… “I put Conditioner in my hair and that’s when it all happened!”
My hair is matted from a sew in I had for about
6months.. I washed my hair it was fine then I applied conditioner to my hair,
thats when my hair got badly matted, knotted. Iam crying as I type please help
my hair this happened yesterday Dec 29 2013 please contact me back either email
or by phone so much hair techs I\'ll wait patiently until I
decide to call my stylist to cut it off tears... Plz I need help my hair is matted together
after I washed my hair and then I put conditioner in my hair and thats when it
all happened ,I just wanna wake up, please tell me I am dreaming and you
can help me , I am in need of a miracle, God's miracle please help me can
you please return my email are thanks so much
Hot Water And Conditioner……
I had tangled hair and used hot water and conditioner to try and untangle my hair, which matted it into big clumps. The clumps are matted pretty tight and seems impossible to untangle. I really don\'t want to loose my hair, so I am looking for an tangled tech closest to where I live. I am from the Metro Detroit area.
If you could provide some guidance I\'d be greatly appreciative.
I had tangled hair and used hot water and conditioner to try and untangle my hair, which matted it into big clumps. The clumps are matted pretty tight and seems impossible to untangle. I really don\'t want to loose my hair, so I am looking for an tangled tech closest to where I live. I am from the Metro Detroit area.
If you could provide some guidance I\'d be greatly appreciative.
My Hair Has Ruined My
Life the Past Year ……
My hair is a knotted, tangled, matted, dreaded
mess. Before this happened, which is a really sad story, my hair was waist
length so all of that is basicially a birds nest with tons of knots and its so hard on the crown of
my head is where most of the length is matted,dreaded and tangled.
Could someone please call me, I have a few questions. My hair has ruined my life the past year, you are my only hope!
much love,
Could someone please call me, I have a few questions. My hair has ruined my life the past year, you are my only hope!
much love,
Shampooed Immediately
after Braids Removed……
I Went To A Salon……
Do you have any “Tangled Hair Techs” in the
Indianapolis area? Or anywhere in Indiana, for that matter—I am willing
to travel if it means saving my hair (although I do have financial limitations
to consider)! I have tried detangling this mess myself, and when that
didn’t work, I went to a salon. Well, they couldn’t even undo what has
essentially become one giant dreadlock. I am scared and depressed and
anxious and beginning to feel absolutely hopeless. I don’t want to have
to shave my head, but unless your team can help me, I’m afraid that is my only
option. Please help—I will beg and plead and do whatever it takes!
I Used Regular Conditioner
Mixed with Hand Lotion……
Hi, I am sure you have recieved similar desperate
calls for help! I have some really BAD knots, no, BALL size tangled knots in my
hair! I had a leg injury and was bedridden fot three months. I have almost
waist lenght hair, I follow the Sufi Path and the hair are a part of my spiritual journey. Needless to say,
I would feel " empty" without them. I could feel them knotting
up under my hairband, I tie a ponytail but though I could be administered bed
sponges, washing hair was not possible. I am better now and decided to take a
proper bath and wash my hair. I googled and found I wud need to use a leqve in detangling
conditioner. I tried in on but had absolutely no effect on the "
balls" of hair. I tried without success and in desperation tried all the
tricks I had read about, literally soaked them in oil, no luck,on top of the
conditioner and oil,I used regular conditioner mixed with hand lotion. They
seemed to bunch up more! And felt even tighter! Went looking for a hair salon
for advise or selevtive trimming to salvage what we could, but its Sunday and
the salons were closed. Last mistake I made was to use conditioner by the
handful and tried washing them hoping that they would have softened up and may
untangle! I know its not advised to use water as they shrink. But I thought if
I leave the conditioner in overnight they may get worse.
Is there any advise you can kindly give me in this regard? I have my hair since 1998, and have not even had them trimmed for the reasons I mentioned earlier! I am already in depression thinking what if I have to have them cut!
Please help!. Desperately awaiting your response,
Is there any advise you can kindly give me in this regard? I have my hair since 1998, and have not even had them trimmed for the reasons I mentioned earlier! I am already in depression thinking what if I have to have them cut!
Please help!. Desperately awaiting your response,
Matted Locks in New
I have been depressed for several years and
my locks are matted.
It has only added to my depression and I
need help, now that I am better
My locks are matted in the center. It is
amazing how my hair has grown
in spite of the mats. I wear a scarf to
hide the mats. I live in Las Cruces,
New Mexico
My sister-in-law suffered a choking
incident a few years ago. Her heart stopped several times and she had a stroke
during the incident. She's had a big tangle on the back of her head ever since,
but none of us knew. We just thought she was wearing a bump-it or
The emergency is that her father's funeral
is on Thursday morning and she lives out of town. None of us can get away to go
help her with this and she
can't come early because her cat is disabled and she can't leave it alone that
I realize this is a short time frame to work
with, but can you help her? She lives in Kokomo, Indiana.
My Hair Before Detangling……
I recently took out my sew-in extensions and
mistakenly washed my hair before detangling. Now my hair is a matted,
tangled MESS. My natural hair is very curly so it's even more demanding. I
have a scholarship dinner to attend this weekend so I am DESPERATE. If the
product is not available or will not reach in time could you PLEASE refer me to
other products or techniques to help get me out of this mess. I need help badly
and I'm so scared, as I have finally reached past mid-back length and I do not
want to cut it. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards,
Two Tangerine Size Balls…….
Hello, I would love you to help me. My daughter
(16) has an enormous knot of hair on the back of her head - two tangerine size
balls either side of the back of her head and a lot of matting between them .
My daughter had very low self esteem issues and her hair got neglected and now
we seem to be on an upwards struggle to put it right. Do you have people In the UK - we can travel if
Cancer Patient on
I'm in Melbourne, Australia. I'm a cancer patient
on Chemo and for Christmas my fiancé got me a sew in weave to cheer me up over
my hair loss!
I've had it in 2 weeks and have tried to maintain it but in the last 4 days I went from pretty long curls to hair that was half that length and badly matted!
I have tried and tried spending hours a day with the help of a friend!
Yes the girl who did my hair did a BAD job sewing it in... My hair underneath is unravelling, and now joining in this matted party!
It's already fragile enough I am scared and freaking out!
Do you have a salon, in Melb or anywhere I can get the unmatting product you sell? Contact me ANYTIME!
I've had it in 2 weeks and have tried to maintain it but in the last 4 days I went from pretty long curls to hair that was half that length and badly matted!
I have tried and tried spending hours a day with the help of a friend!
Yes the girl who did my hair did a BAD job sewing it in... My hair underneath is unravelling, and now joining in this matted party!
It's already fragile enough I am scared and freaking out!
Do you have a salon, in Melb or anywhere I can get the unmatting product you sell? Contact me ANYTIME!
5 year
old daughter with Autism……
I really hope you can help me, I have a 5 year old daughter who has autism,
from the moment her hair need brushing she hated it, screaming like I have
never heard. We used to brush it and eventually calm her down but once she was
diagnosed we realised there was more to it.
We carried on but then she refused to have
a bath, it took 6 months to get her to get in the bath after that.
Needless to say her hair has suffered
terribly, It has a slight curl to ends but is straight otherwise, it is now
saturated to her head like a bird nest, you can feel the rim of it which covers
most of her head. It is very long and I have tried Takedown remover cream but
she doesn't have the patience to let me do it for long.
Many Thanks
I feel
like I have lost all self confidence……
been looking for the services of a professional to help me detangle the huge
Matt that has formed in my hair.
It first formed about a year ago and has slowly got worse, at one point it was covering my whole head. I have removed some of it but now has got to the point that I can't do anymore without help.
It's getting me so down and upset as I used to have beautiful long hair and now I have to have it tied up on a ball on my head. After recent weight gain I feel like I have lost all self confidence in myself.
Is there any way you can help me?
It first formed about a year ago and has slowly got worse, at one point it was covering my whole head. I have removed some of it but now has got to the point that I can't do anymore without help.
It's getting me so down and upset as I used to have beautiful long hair and now I have to have it tied up on a ball on my head. After recent weight gain I feel like I have lost all self confidence in myself.
Is there any way you can help me?
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