8 Months of Matted Clumps and Knot in Mass
After All Hair Is Detangled from 8 Months of Matted Clumps and Knot in Mass
1 Year of Matted Hair to Scalp and Roots with DREADLOCK MATTED KNOTS REMOVAL
1 Year of Dreadlock Knots Matted Clumps using Take Down Remover Cream
All of hair is completely detangled and braided into sections before shampooing.
There is healing in removing dreadlocks without cutting or shaving hair off. So many people with long hair are connected to their hair with love. When the hair is locked together in a knot, your mind and emotions are in a knot. It’s hard to think clearly or feel happy about yourself.

The Mayo Clinic has proven that Laughter can: Stimulate many organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. Activate and relieve your stress response. 1.LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE, 2. REDUCES STRESS HORMONE LEVELS,3. WORKS YOUR ABS, 4. IMPROVES CARDIAC HEALTH, 5. BOOSTS T-CELLS, 6. TRIGGERS THE RELEASE OF ENDORPHINS, 7. PRODUCES A GENERAL SENSE OF WELL-BEING.
We want you to laugh because now you are free from worry about your hair. You have a solution to your very tangled matted knotted hair.
In Luke 5:15, When people gathered to hear Jesus, healing took place. In Isaiah 28:21” For the Lord will rise up as on Mount Perazim....that He may do his work, strange work and bring to pass his act, His strange act.