We appreciate all of your support and contributions. Your contributions will enable our team to expand in order to serve more people and save more hair.
I left my microbraids in for too long and obviously used the wrong products
to wash and condition.
Now my hair is severely matted and tangled. I am in Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 -
about 45 mins northwest of Tampa,
Can you help with
referral to a detangling salon and/or where to buy products?

I do not want to have to cut my hair. It's take so
long to grow it to its just past my shoulder length.
Thank you.
My Autistic daughter
My daughter has Autisim and she kicks, hits, screams
and cries if you get near her head or hair.
She is 4 and now her hair is one
big knotted mess. The last time I tried to cut it and comb it out it took 1 hr
and 30 minutes and she wouldnt come near me for 2 days. What do I do?
Dear Tangled Hair Techs -
you have anyone who provides service in New Jersey or New York? Or is
there a store in our area that sells your product (my zip is 07040). My 4
1/2 year old daughter got birds nest hair when we couldn't wash and
condition her hair during Hurricane Sandy and it's at the point where I
am fearing I might have to cut it all off. Hope you can help.
1 comment:
Ms. Sheila saved my hair this weekend!!
My hair became horribly tangled and matted after I took my braids out on Friday (Nov. 16). After several days of suffering (many tears, gobs of conditioner, oil, pulling, etc.) I stumbled across the www.tangledhairtechs.blogspot.com website. I sent an email and Ms. Sheila responded almost immediately. She told me that she was located in Georgia - not tooo far from my sisters (2 hrs) - so off I went! I had Thanksgiving dinner with my sibs and then went to meet Ms. Sheila on Friday morning.
She worked with such patience and gentleness and not a scissor in sight!! Now I am tangle and matt free!
Ms. Sheila is a blessing and a treasure. She is not just working with hair - she is rescuing people from depression and despair!
Connie (Tarpon Springs)
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