The art of detangling hair involves more than just separating hair that has strategically interwoven on itself in a maze beyond human understanding; detangling hair is about HEALING. There are so many reasons why women and men contact us about their tangled matted hair.
***We use our talent to lay hands on the sick due to hair matts so they’ll recover **
Tangled Matted Hair Is oppression
It can lead to depression or be the result of depression. Tangled matted hair is a form of bondage and we desire to set women and men free.
Like a plumber that sets us free from a blocked up toilet which can lead to depression and frustration-we are hairdressers that remove the blockages in your hair.
I was blessed with a baby boy three months ago. After I received my first period after delivery my hair has become impossibly tangled and half of it comes out each time I shampoo my hair. What treatment do you recommend?
Thank you kindly, from Mexico
Hello.. Do u have services in the UK ?? My hair desperately needs help!! Its just one big nest of solid knots at the back n side of my head n then the rest is matted together.. Its actually ruining my life !! Its stopping me from doin things like goin out with my friend n im only 19. I don’t want to be stuck in all the time.. I really don’t know what to do n my family know my hair is knotty but they don’t know just how bad it is cos im too embarrassed to show them..I used to do all sorts with my hair, it used to be a different colour every week n id always wear it down as it was very long.. Now the only thing I can do is put a bobble round the birds nest n try my best to make it look like a messy side bun.
Please help meL
I was just researching solutions for severely matted hair and came across your web-site.
Do you have any techs in Pennsylvania?
Do you have any tangled hair techs in the Los Angeles area? I recently had a baby and have been taking quick - 90 second showers w/out having the time to comb through my hair. My husband was off the other day so I planned to spend time combing my hair out when I realized it was very matted on the right side. I ordered the take down product and have been trying to detangle my hair but no luck. I REALLY don't want to cut it. Can you please help?
i live in king of prussia pa and have a giant ball of matted, knotted hair that i need to get out possibly by friday! CAN YOU HELP ME?
Hi, I live in the Boston MA area, where are you located. My story is as follows, started three years ago with a really horrible hair cut, the stylist, said he had a special technique which bends and curls the hair, I have baby fine, super straight dark blone hair, was natural toehead til 30's.
He cut the hair dry with hairspray on it.............then I passed out drunk at a party and my hair was sheared like a ribbon which coils, they also put eyelash stimulator all over my scalp, then, three more bad cuts by other sytlists. then went to alleged superstylist to get a corrective cut, he gave me a justin bieber (sp) cut so the hair was cut to come forward from the back, then extensions with heat and glue which ripped out of my head without my pulling, big bald spots, hair seems to have regrown.
My mom was in a car accident and was unable to wash her hair for 10 weeks. We tried washing it yesterday and it was okay, but as soon as it dried it formed really big knots in 3 separate places and is very uncomfortable. Took her to couple of different salons and they all said it need to be cut, it is tangled in several places near the roots. Is there anything you can do to help? We live in Houston,TX. Thank you and please get back to us as soon as you can.
Thank you for your time,
I read on the website that Tangled Hair Techs is looking for individuals who are interested in learning how to detangle hair...
I am very interested in learning how to do so.
I live in the Caribbean island of Barbados and about six-months ago after my own braid extension take down disaster, I started educating myself about hair because I wanted to take the best care of my own hair as possible. I am not a hairdresser, but I have come to realize how I often neglected and mistreated my hair through ignorance. I just got tired entrusting the care of my hair to persons who were not concerned with helping me to grow, maintain and retain my hair and decided to take responsibility for my beloved strands...
So how do I go about learning how to detangle hair?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
My name is Phenice and I wanted to know what your hiring process is.
I do not have a cosmetology license. Would that be a problem?
I enjoy doing hair and being a mother of three girls I know the struggle of combing and De-tangling hair.
Please let me know.
Although I've had dandruff for years now, presently i'm experiencing hair loss especially in the middle of my head where the hair use to be more.
what do you advice?
I wouldn't mind coming for consultation if necessary.
your prompt response shall be appreciated.
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