Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dealing With Very Tangled Matted Hair Requires Faith

Jesus tell us in the Bible,(Matthew 19:26) , "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

It requires faith to hold the tears back when everyone has told you to simply give up and cut your hair or your precious child’s hair.

It requires faith to stand tall when every salon or even your favorite hairstylist has rejected, judged you and looked down upon you because your hair is so tangled and matted.  And now you are depressed.

It requires faith to look in the mirror at your hair that is in clumps stuck to your scalp and say I will get my hair back!

It requires faith to not give up and keep searching for help.

Be aware that simply cutting tangled, knotted or matted hair can lead to depression.  We at Tangled Hair Techs take down tangled matted knotted hair through and with the tangible touch of GOD

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