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TAKE DOWN Testimonial- Tangled Hair Tech-
Hi! How are you? I finally am back to feeling a bit like my usual self. The stress of what I have endured has taken a toll on me. I am so glad that we had the opportunity to meet, although under such terrible circumstances. I want to thank you, once again, for all your patience and knowledge with the situation we had on hand with Kristen's hair. I will never forget you and have been talking about you since we met. I wish you the best of luck with your business. Keep in touch - drop me a line from time to time. If there is anything I can do as far as a testimonial, please let me know.
1 comment:
i am so upset as i type this comment. my beautiful little girl has curly hair. She is african american. it is thick and full. unfortunatley she has fear when i comb it. she is tender headed and screams so loudly that it causes me to stop and not brush it for a long time. we both dread they hair days. i have tried every product i know. can u help. i did cut a few clumps of the matted hair out but it is looking so ridiculous if i let it down. so i only brush because she hates the comb and it hurts too bad especially near the matted areas. she screams when i wash it. HELP i called and left a message today. i live near chicago.
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