The Two C’s of Detangling Tangled Matted Hair Are Not The Only Solutions! One is using
conditioner and the other is cutting the hair.
They are the two most common solutions for
detangling very matted tangled knotted hair.
Often times these solutions have caused many people sadness or to become
more depressed.
8:10 “ ......And be not grieved and
depressed, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold.”
we understand that extreme TANGLED
Cutting or shaving
the hair does not necessarily heal depression or matted tangled hair. Sometimes cutting or shaving of
matted tangled hair can cause depression because of the shock of losing all
your hair at one chop-without any efforts being made to save the hair first.
Teenagers, elderly, people that are dealing with illness or
recovering from illness, or women dealing with postpartum depression can end up
having severally matted tangled hair.
Most people know that
Depression Destroys the Desire to Deal with Life and Your Hair. It’s like a THIEF.
1st peter 5;7 “ casting the whole of your
care....[all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for
all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you
if the connection between depression, detangling and matted tangled hair all seem strange or weird to you- the
book of Isaiah 28:21 states that”
For the Lord will rise up as on Mount Perazim....that He may do his work,
strange work and bring to pass his act, His strange act.
mission is simply to provide you with options for your dreadlocks or tangled
matted hair and as 1st Thess 4:18 says. “Therefore comfort and encourage one another
with these words.”
It’s From Not Brushing My Hair-I Even Considered Skipping the Holidays-
My hair has a HUGE matted section I can't stand it anymore!! It's from not
brushing my hair and always wearing it in a bun. I gotta do something fast
I cannot tell you how thankful I
was to find your website. I have had some very personal and
trying things happen to me this year including the loss of my grandpa, my other
grandpa being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, the loss of my job and an
unfaithful partner. I went into a depression and stopped taking care of
myself the way I should have been because of depression. I am finally
motivated again but I'm afraid to be in public because I'm damaging it
more. I've tried working on my own hair but it so matted I feel that I'm
just making it worse. I even considered skipping the holidays with my
family because I feel so
embarrassed about it and feared I would have to cut it all
help me, I've always had longer hair and its truly a part of my identity. It
would be the most amazing gift for the holidays as its been such a touch
pray to God that you will help me.I
live in San Clemente, California but would travel wherever needed in Southern
California to get your help. Thank
you, L
Stressed Out in London-UK
I need help with my hair as they very badly tangled and I'm stressed out because of that therefore please contact me on .I'm based in London. Await hearing from you. Regards
I need help with my hair as they very badly tangled and I'm stressed out because of that therefore please contact me on .I'm based in London. Await hearing from you. Regards
Matted To My Scalp
I came across you guys from googling how to untangle my
matted hair. I went to a salon and they told me I needed to shave it off. They
shaved off the underneath of my hair and I balled my eyes out and I couldn’t
let them shave the rest. I have thick curly hair and I went through a period of
depression during my senior year of high school to where I didn’t even feel
like getting it if bed. This
has taken a huge toll on my self confidence and I don’t know what to do.
My hair is holding me back and both of my brothers are getting married this
year. One in may and one in November. I have tried everything. I live in North
Carolina. I am willing to do anything! Please please help me. I’m desperate. I
Can Only keep it in a pony tail. The only part that is matted is what is closet
to my scalp. Thank you for taking your time to read this!
Fell Asleep on Plane Ride!
Hi! I was on
vacation and got a knot in
my hair when I fell asleep during the long plane ride! It's about the
size of a golf ball. I've tried detangling spray and leave in conditioner! Do
you guys have any detangling hair techs in Las Vegas or recommend any places
here in Las Vegas (Nevada) (or Henderson, Nevada)?
I’m 13, embarrassed and forced to go to school everyday
tangled hair techs my name is J and I’m 13 years old I’m am terribly
embarrassed of my hair it has been matted before and I have accomplished to get
it out but it has never been this bad. I have always believed in god and I am
afraid he is a shamed of he for my actions of not taking care of myself. I also
feel as though this is my fault. I never want to take pictures and am forced to
go to school with a bun everyday while other girls have many other hair styles.
I hope u can help me even though I don’t believe u have a hair tech near me but
I am willing to go where ever the closest one is to me to fix my biggest insecurity.
Severed Depression-difficult to wash my hair for 1 Year
hi, i have matted hair due to severe
depression that made it difficult to wash and care for for about a year.
I was wondering if you have anyone near westfield or springfield, massachusetts
in the united states? I'm also curious about cost as well. I would appreciate
any information you can give me thank you
Desperately Seeking Help-Liverpool UK
Hi there. I’m looking into all places that detangle
severely matted hair. I’m from Liverpool UK but am willing to travel to have my
hair fixed as I just can’t
leave it the way it is any longer so am desperately seeking help.
I Abandoned Taking Care of My Hair-It Hurts
my name is K. I'm from Saratoga springs, recently moved to
glens falls NY. Despite the multiple hardships in my life I have abandoned taking care of
my hair like I use to. I miss my hair so much it hurts! Everyday I'm
discouraged by all the knots, mats and tangles. I found some of your videos on
YouTube and went to your website right away. As money is an issue right now I
was wondering if there was any home remedies or any suggestions on what I can
do to help my hair. I'm just beginning to gain my self esteem back and positive
vibes. I do have a lot at home I could use to help I just need someone to lead
me the right way. I stopped doing my hair around six months ago maybe less. It's
very very very curly and coarse. Please help! I look forward to any response.
Thank you!
My Hair is a Matted Mess!
found a website on facebook that you help detangle hair, i myself went through
a really rough time and my hair is now a matted mess. It is stopping me from doing a lot in my life and
I just really need someone to help untangle it so I can finally move on.
Do you guys have a phone number I can call? Where are you located? Please email
me back whenever you are able too.
you so much.
Order the TD Remover Detangler Now!
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