can an individual keep well when their hair is matted, tangled, filled with
hard knots, pulling on their scalp,
causing pain, sadness, depression, and sleepless nights.
The whole issue makes one feel as if their
hair is in prison and bondage.
John 2 states that “ Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and that
your body may keep well,…..”
“Your hair is your Glory.” But you have to fight and persevere to save it when its in BONDAGE of matts, tangles and hair knots.
Many people
ask us what does God and the Bible have to do with detangling hair. We refer to verses such as Matthew 10:29-32 and Matthew
6:26. If God cares for the sparrow and
the intricacies of their eating and living, why would he not be concerned about
you from head to toe!
138:8 states that “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me;….forsake not the
works of Your own hands.”
We at
Tangled Hair Techs International care about your well being and we know what matted, tangled, knotted hair does to the mind, self esteem, body and
spirit. It affects the people and love
ones that surround the individual suffering from these hair issues as well.
of our clients are so sad, scared, depressed and pessimistic. Sometimes even negative about their hair
because everyone has told them that they are silly or crazy for trying to save
their hair.
“Just Cut It Off, Its Only
"It Will Grow Back One Day."
"Just Wear A Wig Or Extensions.”
As a
result of this type of thinking and negative judgments-we do our best to be
positive, loving and caring when detangling hair.
It is
not always easy for us as well, but we look up to God from where our strength
cometh from. “With man this is impossible but with God all things are
possible.” Matthew 19:26.
I'm a the shop now and she is detabgling my hair inATL
I came in from another state.
I did not have to cut hair.
In in ATL being detangled
Do not cut hair
Email me
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