Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Daughter Solid Hair Ball

Thank you. Here are the before and after photos of my daughters hair which became severely matted when she was confined in a spica cast for a femur fracture (break in the upper leg bone). She was in too much pain to move the first few days so I could not comb the back of her hair. In a just that short time a large amount of hair had formed into a solid ball that I could not even begin to get a comb into.

An internet search lead me to you.

I had limited success at first then it seemed no further progress was possible and she was going to lose most of the hair on the back of her head. I called the tangled hair hot line at that point gave me a few more things to try and, most importantly, convinced me that I really could get the tangle out. It took a few more days, but I made so much progress on the first day after that call, I could see it was definitely possible and my daughter is back to having a beautiful head of hair.
3 before and after photos attached here.


Unknown said...

My wife called last week and hasn't gotten a response yet -- hopefully everyone has been busy due to holidays and will respond soon.

Anyway, maybe someone will see this comment and help me out.

My wife has post-partum shedding that has matted like dreadlocs right where the new-growth meets her relaxed hair. She knows this is the weakest point in her hair and anticipates some amount of breakage, but we'd like to salvage as much of it as possible... she's worked super hard to grow her hair down to her shoulder blades for the first time in her life and is really proud of it. I don't want to see all her effort go down the drain.

If theres a tech I can send her too, or if you think your products will really help us, please respond. Thanks.

jasmine r. said...

Hello! I'm desperately trying to get in touch with someone about my hair ordeal. I've called, left a voicemail and a page. I see on your website that you can travel to me so I'd really like to arrange that as soon as possible. I've been very ill for the past 8 months so I have a pretty serious matting problem happening. I also sent an email with my contact info to: billionairehair@yahoo.com so as you can sense, I'm quite anxious to hear from anyone who can help. I read the message from David and it's sort of put me in "panic mode" as to how long it will actually take to get a reply. I hope it will be very soon.

Best regards